Microcrystalline Cellulose 102

Product Specifications



Country of origin: India
Description: White or almost white, fine or granular powder
Packaging: 20kg / 25kg Bags Inner Bag: Single LDPE liner Outer Bag: Single HDPE woven sack
Particle size: Max: 8%
Particle size: Min: 45%
Shelf life: 60 months
Storage: Store away from excessive heat and ignition source. Protect from moisture, store in dry place preferably outdoors at ambient temperature. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use
Arsenic: Max: 2ppm, mg/kg
Assay: 97 to 102%
Bulk Density: 0.26 to 0.33gm/ml
Cadmium: <0.5 ppm, mg/kg
Carboxyl group: Max: 1%
Conductivity: Max: 75µS/cm
Degree of Polymerisation: Max: 350
Ether soluble substances: Max: 0.05%
Heavy metals: Max: 10ppm, mg/kg
Identification: A white, opaque, bubble free dispersion is obtained that does not produce a supernatant liquid
Identification: Substance take violet blue colour
Identification: IR scan complies with spectrum of reference substance
Identification A: A red colour is produced
Identification B: A blue-purple colour is produced
Lead: Max: 2ppm, mg/kg
Loss on drying: Max: 6%
Mercury: <0.1 ppm, mg/kg
Organic impurities: No red colour is produced
pH: 5 to 7.5
Residue on ignition: Max: 0.05%
Solubility: Practically insoluble in water, acetone, in ethanol, in toulene, in dilute acid and in a 50g/l solution of sodium hydroxide
Solubilty in ammonical solution of copper tetra mine: Soluble
Starch: Not detectable
Water soluble substances: Max: 0.24%
Enterobacteriaceae: Absent in 1g
Escherichia Coli: Absent in 1g
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Absent in 1g
Salmonella: Absent in 10g
Staphylococcus aureus: Absent in 1g
Total aerobic microbial count: Max: 1000cfu/g
Total yeasts and moulds: Max: 100cfu/g
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Published Date: 2023-01-04 14:18:21
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